Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions here, if you still need help then please contact us at


We feed our girls twice a day. But it really depends on the size of the dog and their activity. Typically its 2% - 3% of body weight, for Adults. 

For puppies they ideally should be fed between 8-10% and again that depends on age, between 3-4 times a day and again that depends on age.  It's always good to adjust the amounts if they are becoming a skinny mini add a little more but if they are a chunky monkey reduce the amount gradually. 

No, cooked bones are very dangerous to dogs. They splinter and spilt into shards and can damage the mouth, teeth and stomach 

Not a good idea, heating the raw food will change the molecular structure and heat will destroy enzymes and vitamins.

Yes, is the simple answer. Always read the label to check first if the ingredients in the product is in the food that your dog is allergic to. Dogs with allergies find great relief from fillers, grains and artificial or processed ingredients.

Absolutely, although, please, please ensure its not a cooked bone and don't leave your dog unattended at any time with a treat or a bone.

Keep a bowl of water close by too.

Start by calculating your dog's daily raw food ration using our handy feeding calculator. 

Its really quite a simple process, it's normaly over a period of 7 day's. Some dogs may take a little longer depending on previous sensativities or tummy issues.

We have found the best way to transistion is to give your dog his normal meal in the morning and raw in the evening.

Start with a bland reciepe like Puppy, Tasty Turkey or Chicken, just to note that raw dog food digests much quicker than dry / Kibble.

And that's really it, after a couple of weeks and your dog has settled into the raw food you can start to introduce different proteins. 

A very good question. You take the raw dog food out of the freezer and defrost in the fridge. So, for us we would take out a tub in the evening and leave to defrost for use next day probaly for the eveing feed.

If you need to defrost for the breaksfast meal, leave the tub out in the evening and it will ready to use in the morning.